Serving on a DEI&B team can cause fatigue if not done currently. Have you ever been on a team where people are excited about being in action? No real results, but there is a lot of activity that the team can check off that they've completed.
While people are well intentioned, I've seen that people do not have a clear understanding or pathway to DEI&B. Nor do they have a clear understanding of DEI&B. Many believe diversity is about skin color or race. Well, that's one dimension. I've seen leaders pick one white, one black, one Hispanic and one Asian - check - problem solved. No one ever considered diversity of thought.
Likewise, I've served in environments where the majority groups felt equity meant lowering the bar so that you can give someone from an under-represented group a chance. Equity can be scary when you really don't understand what it truly means. There is a false perception that if we make room for the under-represented through equitable opportunities, there is a risk that the majority group will be negatively impacted even if they are more qualified.
Regarding inclusion, some believe it's as simple as “allowing” you to be in the meeting. You're included, right? Meanwhile, if you have an individual thought, you may be ostracized.
What many fail to understand is, even if we get diversity, equity and inclusion right, if there is no sense of belonging, we will still have missed the mark. We all hear the resounding words “be your authentic self”, but can we really without repercussion. Is the environment truly safe enough to be me? Belonging is a critical component and yet it's often dropped from the DEI&B.
I’ve heard leaders ask how can they take on DE&I with all of their other responsibilities?
Some tips to ensure that you are a good steward of DE&I and B for belonging:
Frequently take an inventory of your organization.
It’s not about looking for an equal number of representation. You want to make sure your biases are not informing the selection criteria.
Intentionally seek to mentor individuals that do not look like you.
How do you ensure you are doing this? Keep a list and document what you believe their race, age, gender, sexual orientation, military affiliation, etc are. Note: Do not ask. That can be offensive. This list is for your eyes only to drive accountability.
Seek and embrace different personality types.
This can be done through personality assessments. You can use DISC, Gallup, Myers Briggs and more. The key is to learn the different types including your own. Understand how they are complimentary and how they may differ. Be patient when looking for your candidates and be mindful to ensure they will be embraced for their differences and not forced to conform to the "Corporate Culture". Promote "Culture Add" versus "Culture Fit".
“No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Develop a bench of talent
Talent benches will reveal quickly if there is an issue with bias. The talent bench is designed to help reinforce the equitable arm of DEI&B. Often times, people will say we cannot find qualified women or people of color. Women and people of color are often over mentored and lack sponsorship. Building a bench and increasing the skills necessary to compete are crucial if you are truly looking for top notch minority candidates.
Seek out the voices you aren’t hearing with intention.
Silence is not agreement. Louder voices can dominate and cause you to miss many opportunities to go from good to great. Intentionally invite less dominant voices to the conversation.
Create a sense of belonging for everyone.
People want to know they belong. When people belong, they have resilience when faced with challenges. They are accountable and want to ensure team success. People are more willing to share ideas. People will feel like they are a part of a "work family".
Many have asked why I go through the lengths to be the leader that I am. It’s simple. I’ve worked many years and I can only recall one boss who checked off this list for me. I want to be the leader for others I wish I could have had in front of me.
DEI&B is NOT a task or a bunch of them. It is a way of being. It’s not hard, but it does require intention! It is your path to being a good human being. Go forth and be unapologetically awesome!